On Wednesday, March 16, volunteers in Japan delivered their first food aid to the victims of the country's catastrophic earthquake, feeding nearly 1,000 people in a town on the east coast. It was devastated by the tsunami caused by the quake and many residents have been unable to return home.
Oarai is a town of 20,000 people in Ibaraki prefecture, 130 kilometers north of Tokyo, on the Pacific ocean. It felt the full force of the tsunami, which flooded fields, houses, shops and factories and left the town covered in mud. While power supplies have been restored and some people have been able to return home, they have no water or gas and are short of most goods. They cannot prepare three hot meals for themselves.
Before they set out from Tokyo, the volunteers prepared a meal of curried rice, one of the favorites dishes of Japanese. They also prepared other food items, condiments and gas heaters; in this way, they would be able to provide hot food as soon as they arrived. The water they took was provided by Japan's Self-Defense Forces. "In this way, we could reach there in the fastest possible time, complete the task in the simplest way and reduce the burden to local people," said volunteer Chen Jinfa.

After the earthquake and tsunami, the people of Japan are short of many things, including petrol and food. The members of Tzu Chi will overcome all kinds of hurdles and deliver hot food into the hands of those in difficulty. We hope that, as each person swallows a mouthful of the food, it will warm his heart and ease his pain after the disaster.

Newer news items:
- Tzu Chi Sends 10 Tons of Relief Goods to Northeast Japan
- Tzu Chi to Hold Global Prayer & Raise Love For Japan
- Tzu Chi Fundraising For Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Survivors
- Volunteers Around the World Pray for Japan
Older news items:
- Tzu Chi Delivers First Relief Shipment to Japan After Earthquake
- Tzu Chi Japan Opens Relief Centre after Catastrophic Earthquake
- Letter From Dharma Master Cheng Yen to Global Volunteers Re. Japan Earthquake
- Tzu Chi Sets Up Earthquake Command Center