Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation

Sep 17th
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Home Environment Care Energy Saving and Carbon Oxygen Reduction Save Energy, Reduce Carbon Emissions and Save The Earth

Save Energy, Reduce Carbon Emissions and Save The Earth

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On 31st July, at 13.30 - 17.00 pm the Australian branch of Tzu Chi held a "Energy Ambassador" training seminar. The speaker was Yuling Du, of the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water. There were more than 30 participants attended. It has been through the immense efforts of Tzu Chi Environment Team within these few years, that water- and energy- saving movement has and is being promoted. This has resulted in deeper understanding of the water and energy saving concepts by Tzu Chi members. When Yuling Du discussed about the greenhouse effect and its implications on human existence, many were able to respond appropriately.
When the participants were divided into small groups to discuss the topic of water-saving, it was resolved to: (1) use a glass of water to gargle when brushing our teeth, (2) shorten showering time to 4 minutes, (3) while waiting for the hot water to flow during showering, catch the cold water with a bucket and use it for watering plants or flushing the toilet, (4) use water-saving fittings/devices, (5) always run the washing machine or dishwasher only on full load, (6) use refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and toilets with four-star or more energy rating.
On the topic of energy-saving, it was resolved to: (1) use energy-saving light globes, (2) always turn lights off when leaving a room, (3) install roof/ceiling insulation, (4) wear enough warm clothes to avoid using heaters during winter, (5) install solar water heaters, (6) use window shades or curtains to keep out summer heat. There was an interesting comment from one of the participants who said "Cantonese people should cook less soup to save energy", resulting in the class breaking out in laughter.

The most important consideration in energy-saving is safety, hygiene and sanitation issues. In using grey water to flush the toilet, don't splash water all over the floor which might accidentally cause people to slip and fall. Buckets used to save water should be kept clean. Stored water should not be kept too long to avoid stench and health problems. These issues must always be kept in mind to prevent family members from having concerns and undesirable consequences.

On 30th July, 2010, we saw on Da Ai television a broadcast "Ice Melting on 66 degrees N Latitude" reported by a Da Ai reporter and a doctor of meteorology Mr. Peng Qi Ming on Iceland witnessing global warming as it is happening. The Da Ai data-gathering group went to Iceland and saw that its biggest glacier, the 3000-ton Vatnajukull melting away, raising the sea-level by 0.86 centimetre. The size of the glacier is receding by 100 metres per year, and would totally disappear within 200 years. These would significantly raise the sea level. The melting glacier cover would reveal volcanoes, raising the Earth's crust in an increasing rate of 2 cm per year. This would be the result of the accelerating greenhouse effect.

Saving energy from burning coal should begin with ourselves. Whenever we go out, bring along environmentally-friendly cutlery, bags, and avoid using the elevator (alone). Strive to use public transport instead of one's car. Heed Master Cheng Yen's call to "overcome one's lack of discipline, indolence, extravagance, and challenges". Try to restrain one's cravings to a minimum. Treasure the earth's natural resources, practice environmental conservation, become a vegetarian, etc. Constantly educate oneself by attending energy-saving seminars. We should learn the lessons of the past, look forward to the future and heighten public awareness in a committed way. We must endeavour to propagate and spread benevolent actions to attain a disaster-free world. In this way, we can hope to be able to stem the rapidly rising rate of earth's destruction

Translated by Roger Yu