To celebrate Mother’s Day, Buddha’s Day, and Tzu Chi’s 57rd anniversary, we will be holding a combined commemorative event on Sunday, May 14th under the theme
May we do good with compassion and bring blessings to all.
May we conduct ourselves with wisdom and pass on virtue.
We would be delighted if you can join us that day.
With religious solemnities and gracefulness in full display and supplemented with soothing music, it is an occasion to rekindle inborn kindness in humanity, reminding us of the beauty of returning to basics. It is also an event to acknowledge appreciation of this universe for our habitat.
Please bring your family and friends along. Troubled by frequent disasters around the globe, we will pray together that day for a calamity-free world.
There will also be an exhibition under the banner Promoting the Dharma to benefit everyone. It covers Tzu Chi’s involvement in charity work, medical care, education, humanity value, international disaster relief, and environmental conservation. Like turning a single seed into a tree, our collective efforts can also bring social harmony.
Date & Time: 14th May 2023 (Sunday) 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Venue: Jing-Si Hall, Tzu Chi Australia (20-22 Glen Street, Eastwood NSW 2122)
RSVP online by Sunday 7th May on the link below or scan the QR code:
Alternatively, you can contact us to register:
· Phone: 02 9874-7666
· Mobile: 0432-230-931 Winnie Chiu
· Email:
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Hope to see you there!
Yours faithfully,
Randy Sung
CEO Tzu Chi Australia